Histudy Documentation
Welcome to Histudy ! Get familiar with the Stripe products and explore their features:

Working with Doc
You can any work by following our docs

Formatting Content
Our content is more formating for your website

Perfect Responsive
Our Template is full Perfect for all device. You can visit our template all device easily.

Sass Available
The tamplate has Sass available for css. You can Change css by sass

Fast Loading Speed
Histudy is faster loading speed. Histudy create your template so much faster

24 Support System
We are provide 24 hours support for all clients.You can purchase without hesitation.
Getting Started
Welcome to Histudy ! Get familiar with the Stripe products and explore their features:
To use Histudy For Next-gen all-in-one Online Courses & Education Bootstrap5 Template. It comes with HTML5 and Bootstrap5. We created with component-based and developer-friendly modern. It comes with modern design and a faster loading HTML template. It has available Home Default, Course School, Online School, Kindergarten, Classic LMS, University Status, Instructor Portfolio, Language Academy, Gym Coaching, Online Course, Single Course, marketplace, University Classic, Home Elegant, Home technology, and other needed inner or details pages availability.
Histudy Core Features
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Responsive layout (desktops, tablets, mobile devices)
- Built with Bootstrap v5.0.2
- Well structured code
- Contact Form Working
- Hinted Typography
- Dark Mode Available
- RTL Available
- Sass Available
- W3 Valid 100%
- Fast Loading Speed
- Cross Browser Support
- Dedicated Support, Lifetime Updates
- And much more …
What's Included
After purchasing Histudy template on templateforest.net with your Envato account, go to your Download page. You can choose to download Histudy template only or the entire Histudy template package which contains the following files:
- Histudy template: A .zip file with all .html files with all necessary assets.
- Documentation: An HTML format documentation.
- Licensing.
How to Install Histudy Website Templates
Installing a nuron template is not like WordPress or CMS theme installation, actually, installation keyword does not go with nuron template. Why? because you don’t install anything, yes nuron or HTML templates are automatically rendered by the browser.
1. Editing Histudy Template
Before all that you have to edit your template and place your own contents by replacing old demo contents, in this case, you will need a code editor such as – VScode, Sublime Text, etc. When template editing is done using editor, save the files and folder and go ahead to upload template files on live server.
2. Convert Histudy LTR to RTL
If you want to convert your default histudy html template to RTL.Then you have made this three changes in every html file.

Step - 1: Add the RTL Attribute to the HTML Tag:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" dir="rtl">
Step - 2: Include the RTL CSS File:
Ensure you link to an RTL CSS file in the <head> section of your HTML
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/rtl-style.css">
Step - 3: Include the Bootstrap RTL File:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/bootstrap.rtl.min.css">
3. To Convert Histudy into Dark mode
Step - 1: Include the JavaScript File:

<script src="assets/js/vendor/jquery.style.switcher.js"></script>
<script src="assets/js/vendor/jquery.style.switcher.js"></script>
Step - 2: Include this HTML code to active the converter:

<div id="my_switcher" class="my_switcher">
<a href="javascript: void(0);" data-theme="light" class="setColor light">
<img src="assets/images/about/sun-01.svg" alt="Sun images"> <span title="Light Mode"> Light</span>
<a href="javascript: void(0);" data-theme="dark" class="setColor dark">
<img src="assets/images/about/vector.svg" alt="Vector Images"> <span title="Dark Mode"> Dark</span>
Step - 3: To switch logo:

<div class="header-info">
<div class="logo logo-dark">
<a href="#">
<img src="assets/images/logo/logo.png" alt="Education Logo Images">
<div class="logo d-none logo-light">
<a href="#">
<img src="assets/images/dark/logo/logo-light.png" alt="Education Logo Images">
Step - 4: To change Breadcrumb add this class name

<div class="breadcrumb-dark">
Step - 5: Extra class name
add "rbt-dark-header-8" this class name into kindergarten page

add "dark-bg-color-white" this class name into Udemy Affiliate Page

4. Uploading to Live Server Using FTP:
First of all, If you don’t have your template on your computer, download Histudy template to get started, when download/purchase complete you will get a package like this screenshot (after unzip).

5. Package comes with documentation unzip the download package, you’ll found a folder with all template files, like above screenshot.

Social Share
Showcase of Social share. See below image and code for more information.
class For Transparent with border style..with-gradient
class For Hover gradient style..with-bg-primary
class For With Bg Primary Color style..icon-naked
class For naked style.