Welcome to trydo Vue js creative agency and
multipurpose template!
We would like to thank you for choosing our template -
It’s built with Vue js. It’s fully responsive and looks
well. It is a modern design and high-speed performance Vue
template. You can use trydo for Creative Agency, Corporate
Multi Purpose, Personal Portfolio, Personal Portfolio
Landing, Minimal Portfolio, Freelancer Portfolio, Designer
Portfolio, Parallax, and other needed inner or details
pages availability.
There are system requirements in order to install and
setup trydo template and its components properly. Make
sure that you are running the
node.js installnpm install.
Recommended node and npm
node install
npm install
What's Included
After purchasing Trydo template on templateforest.net with
your Envato account, go to your Download page. You can
choose to download trydo template only (Installable Vue
template) or the entire Trydo template package which
contains the following files:
You can get the following items after purchasing our
template from themeforest
trydo.zip - An Installable Vue template
zip file. this file you need to upload
Licensing - This folder contains the
terms and conditions of the license.
Documentation - This folder contains
what you are reading now :)
Vue Installation
Please follow the instructions in the video to see how you
can install Vue on your hosting:
For local host -
Open you command prompt
npm install
npm run serve
Change Site Title and Favicon
To change your Site title and Favicon open the Trydo in
your editor and go to the location by following screenshot
which are given bellow.
Change Logo
To change your Site logo by following screenshot
By folllowing this screenshot you can change your Logo
Customize One Page Menu
By following the screenshot you can change the navigation
Customize the one page menu
Social Networks
Pul your social profile link here.
Add your link here
Change Header Setting
To change Footer Layout and setting you can change by
following this screenshot here.
Change Footer Setting
Page Banner
To change banner Layout and setting you can change by
following this screenshot here.
Change Page Banner Setting
Portfolio Page
To customize portfolio page. Please follow the steps:
From the template options go to
src componentportfolio
Social Networks
Pul your social profile link here.